Journal of Pharmacreations en-US (Dr.N.Sriram) (Dr.N.Sriram) Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:10:47 +0000 OJS 60 Formulation, In Vitro And In Vivo Evaluation Of Repaglinide Pulsatile Release Delivery System For The Treatment Of Daibetus Melitus <p>In present study aimed to optimise the pulsatile release tablet of repaglinide, the Box-Behnken design paradigm was used. 16.14 mg of CCS, 28.91 mg of lactose, and 4.37 mg of eudragit were found to be the appropriate formulation variables, and the tablet's response was 94.45%. medication released, followed by a 5.99-hour lag time (T) and a desirability of around 1. FT-IR analysis revealed significant peaks of REP was found in tablets, indicates no interaction between drug and polymers. Assay of REP formulation showed 98.89±0.5 % REP was present in the chronomodualted tablet and bioavailability of REP was found to be 103.77 %. A chronomodualted drug delivery of REP for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (The dawn phenomenon leads to high levels of blood sugar, a condition called hyperglycemia. It usually happens<strong>&nbsp;</strong>between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m) was successfully developed. The system was found satisfactory in term of drug release after lag time of 6 hrs. The dosage form can be taken at bad time and release the drug at early morning when high level of blood glucose reached in blood. The chronomodulated delivery system could release the drug repaglinide at early morning and control the blood sugar level and its leads to patience compliance.</p> S. Vasanth Kumar, K. Senthilkumaran Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Preparation Characterization of Irinotecan Gum Ghatti Nano Particles <p>The aim of the present investigation was to formulate, optimize, and characterize Gum Ghatti (GG) nanoparticles containing Irinotecan for cancer therapy. The nanoparticles were formed using a solvent evaporation technique involving aqueous and organic phases. The formulation was optimized by adjusting various process and formulation parameters. The analytical method was developed using acetonitrile and phosphate buffer saline. Different organic solvents and various surfactants were tested to optimize the nanoparticulate formulation. The size range and zeta potential were measured using a Malvern zetasizer. Lyophilization was carried out using two different methods, with the maximum drug entrapment percentage found to be 35.2%. The in vitro drug release of Irinotecan nanoparticles was assessed using the dialysis method in phosphate buffer saline at pH 7.4. The in vitro drug release demonstrated sustained drug release over 24 hours. Therefore, Irinotecan-loaded GG nanoparticles have potential as a drug delivery system. Furthermore, they may be useful for site-specific drug delivery, as their small size may allow them to reach extravascular target sites through the leaky endothelium of inflamed and cancerous areas.</p> Saju Rajappanm, NS. Surendiran Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 04 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000