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Erectile dysfunction (ED) or male impotence is defined as the inability to have or sustain an erection long enough to have a meaningful sexual intercourse. ED tends to occur gradually until the night time or early morning erections cease altogether or are so flaccid that successful intercourse does not occur. Sexual health is an important determinant of quality of life. Today, millions of men, young and old, suffer from ED due to high levels of synthetic hormones (known as Xenoestrogens) in our diet/environment. Nutritionally imbalanced diet resulting poor quality of extremely low levels of testosterone. To overcome the problem of sexual (or) ED various natural aphrodisiac potentials are helpful for researchers of R&D cell of LACTONOVA NUTRIPHARM to develop new aphrodisiac formulation. The present paper Reviews the Role of BRAVISSIMO-M Tablets, Scientifically Formulated Male Libido Enhancer developed by researchers of R&D cell of LACTONOVA NUTRIPHARM Pvt Ltd. Hyderabad in maintaining overall sexual pleasure & Satisfaction.


BRAVISSIMO-M Tablets Aphrodisiac erectile dysfunction Phosphodiesterease

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