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Association between dyslipidemia and osteoporosis has been reported in which certain reliable markers and risk factors such as presenting history and lab investigations influenced the diagnosis and optimal therapy of the diseases in the patient.

Case Presentation

The study reported a 55 year old retired male patient of associated conditions presented in a UK hospital with a history of pain in the lower limb. Family history of metabolic diseases and excessive alcohol consumption was reported. Patient was diagnosed of dyslipidemia due to genetic predisposition, disturbed lipid profile and presenting history. Osteoporosis was diagnosed by measurement of bone mineral density BMD which was lower than normal, measured a year and half later following a fracture. These findings were significant for proper diagnosis and management of these diseases.


The findings suggest that the biomarker of choice in association of dyslipidemia with osteoporosis is low HDL and high LDL levels in lipid profile. These markers predict both porosity of bones and dyslipidemia so it can be prioritized for screening and treatment as appropriate.


Biomarker Association Dyslipidemia Osteoporosis

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