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In this article, recent knowledge of drug design is studied and a method of rational drug design is presented. The procedure of drug development is inspiring, exclusive, and time overwhelming, though this process has been enhanced outstanding to the expansion of computational tools and techniques. The contemporary target-based drug design method is inadequate since furthermost of the drugs developed by structure directed methods have been revealed to have grave toxic side effects. Else these drugs would have been a perfect choice for the treatment of diseases.

Balanced design of original lead drugs is receiving progressively prevalent and lean towards to additional the conventional style in which new molecules are created based on chemical intuition of the medicinal chemists. Global gene expression data and examination of such data by means of bioinformatics tools will have several benefits such as proficiency, cost efficacy, time saving, and will provide strategies for combination therapy in addition to overcoming toxic side effects. As a result of incorporation of gene expression data, partial benefit of the structure-based drug design is slowly emerging and rapidly changing the approach of the drug development process.


Rational drug design Computer aided drug design Drug targets Gene drug toxicity Artificial intelligence machine learning

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