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Lactinpowder the ultimate Nutrition for pregnant & Lactating Mothers meets the additional nutritional requirement of pregnant & lactating mothers having more of proteins, vitamins &minerals that meets & exceeds RDA requirement. Manages malnutrition,Increases Lactation (Galactogogue),Gives relief from gastro-intestinal ulcers,improveslibido,Dailyrejuvenative tonic for women,Alleviates symptoms of PreMenstrualSyndrome& Improves fertility Shatavari,DHA,L-Carnitine,& GLA are used in lactic for threatened abortion in pregnant women and as a lactation enhancing galactogogue. Shatavari regulates hormonal secretion and maintains and nourishes female reproductive organs.  Shatavari act as an emollient, cooling, nervine tonic, constipating, galactogogue, aphrodisiac, diuretic, rejuvenating, carminative, stomachic and antiseptic. It has beneficial effects when taken in cases of in nervous disorders, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentry, tumors, inflammations, hyperdipsia, neuropathy, hepatopathy, cough, bronchitis, hyperacidity and certain infectious diseases.


Malnutrition Nutrition in Pregnancy lactation

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